Pike County Board of Registrars

Poll Watcher Information

In a Primary Election, each candidate may have one watcher in the Polling Location. In a General Election there may be only one watcher for each political party or organization having nominees.

In a Primary Election, a watcher must have a written appointment signed by a candidate. In General Elections, a watcher must have a written appointment signed by a designated representative of a political party. The watcher should surrender this appointment certificate to the Inspector for as long as he remains in the poll. If he plans to visit another precinct, he should ask that the certificate be returned so that he may present it to the next inspector.

The watcher shall be sworn to faithfully observe the rule of law prescribed for the conduct of elections. Poll watchers do not have to present before 7:00 a.m. in order to be sworn in to serve as a poll watcher, but should be promptly sworn in by the Inspector upon his or her arrival and presentation of the appropriate credentials. The Oath may be found on the back of the poll list. The poll watcher would then be asked to sign under the oath.

Generally speaking, poll watchers are allowed to inspect and observe all aspects of a poll’s operation. This includes, but is not limited to, observing the check-in process at the registration table, the execution of the poll list by voters, the distribution of ballots to voters, the circumstances relating to a provisional ballot, the circumstances related to a spoiled ballot, check in the number of ballots registered on a ballot counter, verifying the total number of signatures on a poll list, and observing the vote tallying process at the end of the election day. However, poll watchers may not interfere with or impede the voting process.


a. poll watchers must not disturb or attempt to influence voters, campaign, or electioneer. They must not display buttons or other campaign materials for any candidate or cause.
b. Poll watchers may not act as election officials


Click HERE for the Poll Watcher Authorization Form


Credits: Secretary of State of Alabama – Elections Division

Legal Disclaimer: This document is not a substitute for the Code of Alabama. It is provided as a guide and is not intended to be an authoritative statement of law. For further legal information, please consult the Code of Alabama or other appropriate legal resources.